Abdominal Massage Therapy - as taught by Rosita Arvigo

A therapy that aims at facilitating flow and ease of movement. By working with the fascia of the abdomen we help release tensions around the diaphragm, the tissues and organs in the abdominal cavity. It can support optimal blood and lymph flow, stomach and bowel movement and also facilitate optimal nerve signaling.

Before our first session I will ask you to fill a health form and we will go through it when we meet and discuss what your specific needs are. You will learn to do a self massage to do in the comfort of your own home, to continue reaping the benefits of the treatment.

Follow up treatments are encouraged to get the most out of the therapy.

Abdominal Massage Therapy can:

  • Relieve stress and anxiety

  • Support an easier and fuller breath

  • Aid in digestion and relieving gas and stomach pain

  • Soften and release scar tissue

  • Relieve Menstrual cramps/pains and heavy bleeds.

  • Relieve swelling in stomach and lower body

  • Relieve urinary tract issues

  • Support optimal blood flow and relieve cold hands and feet

I have received my training through The Abdominal Therapy Collective and am participating regurarly in discussions, meetings and continous education events to stay up to date.