A weekend of exploring what it means to be a woman, a cyclical being.
Together we will create a women’s circle, around the fire, where we can celebrate and explore the essence of the feminine and our connection to nature.
What’s included:
Simple lodging in a hut or tipi or in your own tent.
3 nutritious, meat based, fertility boosting, local, home made meals a day, and snacks. All provide by my beautiful sister and fellow farmer.
Fire circle
Opportunity to share our stories and experiences as cyclical beings.
Teachings around the physical aspects (physiology, anatomy, endocrinology etc).
Occasional deep dives into quantum biology and the connection to ancestral knowledge.
Simple herbology and how to harvest and use the plants safely
Information on and possibility to try Yoni steaming.
Nature connection tools
Grounding and healthy sun exposure practices.
Guided meditation and drum journey.
Opportunities to wander, pet sheep and hens.
Possibly a Dance party.
And most important of all, a circle of women to safely explore every aspect of what it means to be feminine.
I hope to see YOU here!
Time: 6-8th of September, start at 18.00 of the 6th, end around lunch/noon 8th.
Cost: 1800 SEK, everything included (bring your own sleeping gear)
Deposit of 300 SEK required within 10 days of signing up.
Full payment before September 1st. Payment plans are possible, just reach out.
Are you interested? Fill in the form at the bottom of the page and we will get back to you.
Who are we?
The current system actively encourages us to let go of our own agency and makes us doubt our own experiences and understanding of ourselves.
This felt lack in my own life, a frustration of not being able to actually support healing, has led me to explore many different perspectives. Last year I graduated as an HRHP, Holistic Reproductive Health Practitioner, after two years of intense studies, from Justisse College.
These studies forced me to look at my own connection with my body, my cycle, how I was living my life and my connection to nature. It led me to found Regenerative Health and find this beautiful place, in the western edge of Västernorrland. Here we have started to grow our roots and finding a way of healing the broken bonds with ourselves, each other and the land.
I am honored to invite you to this place.
We have a big forest around us, chickens, sheep, bees a hurdle of cats and a dog living with us and we are slowly expanding our garden to move towards being more self sustainable.
I have also studied Reiki healing, Abdominal Massage Therapy and am currently a part of the Tending the Fires Community, where we study, practice and grow to become leaders and healers in every way. Many of the things I will be sharing during this weekend wouldn’t be possible without this training.
This retreat has slowly built it self up in bits and pieces of dreams and visions and now finally is ready to become reality.
Women’s circles are few and far between and we have the possibility to birth and grow something very special together, around the fire.
I am looking forward to create a magical weekend with you!
More about me.
I’m Anne and the founder of Regenerative Health.
I have worked for over a decade within the conventional medical system as a medical doctor and during my years I’ve come to see it’s shortcomings very clearly.
For health is so much more than taking care of symptoms with medications, surgery and other interventions.
My name is Tova and I live in an old chalet with my husband and child. We lead a simple life, and have no electricity or running water. We have chickens and sheep so we live well on our own meat and eggs most of the year. I have my herb garden that I care for and make my own salves.
We are working towards a more self-sufficient life, without any pressure. We are taking it easy, one thing at a time.
Freedom and sovereignty are the two major things that are or have become important over the years as we have peeled off the layers and started to see through the fakes and curtains blocking our view.
I gave birth to my son, here at home, in the cabin, with the company of my husband and our doula. This after familiarizing myself with the Swedish maternity care and its routines, a “sick care” that has transformed childbirth into something mechanical. Me and my family have a lot of other struggles and things to think about when it comes to this theme.
I have had many work orientations in life. I have worked and trained as a travel consultant, course in practical archeology at a Swedish folk high school, artisan cheese maker and most recently as a Nature Priestess.
In the Priestess training, one of the biggest parts was to live a cyclial life, to follow the course of nature instead of struggling against it. To see the magic in everything around us and to once again get contact with ourselves and our intuition, working with the dark, but seeing the light. Because we women are, after all, cyclical creatures, much more so than men are.
My hope is that through this retreat we can gather as women and experience the joy of the circle. A women's community is one of the most important things there is and unfortunately it happens far too rarely.
To share a fire, knowledge, thoughts and meals with other women who come with open minds and hearts, that's something big.
More about what we are doing can be found here:
Sign up!
Let me know in the comments if you have any specific wishes around sleeping arrangements and if you have any allergies.